Friday 15 April 2016

The 10 Worst Foods That Can Kill You Over Time

1. ApplesApple
Just because they made the list doesn’t mean that you need to throw out that basket of apples on the kitchen counter just yet. The apple itself isn’t the problem in this case, the health risk actually lies with the seed. The enzymes in our bodies tend to change the compounds found in apple seeds into cyanide which can be extremely dangerous. Of course, there’s no need to worry about accidentally swallowing an apple seed now and then. Our bodies are capable of handling small amounts of the toxin. However you should never chew on apple seeds as this will quickly release cyanide directly into your blood stream. If this occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

Potatoes have always been a popular addition to any meal. And while they are high in carbohydrates, they aren’t necessary dangerous, unless they are green. Many people assume that the green spots that commonly appear on potatoes mean that they aren’t completely ripe, which may be true. Sometimes chlorophyll is present in freshly picked potatoes which can cause green spots to occur. However, a greenish tint can also be an indication of the presence of a natural toxin known as solanine. This dangerous nerve toxin can be present in any green portion of the potato, including the stem or leaves. The leaves of potatoes are extremely high in solanine as well as s glycoalkaloaids which is another deadly poison, and should never be consumed.

3. Fruit Juice
fruit juice

You may think you’re making a healthy choice by buying fruit juice. After all, it has to be better than sugary sodas, right? The truth is that many fruit “juices” are made with artificial ingredients and usually do not contain as much real juice as you may think. They are also high in sugar, artificial colors and other chemicals that have been linked to various health issues including obesity. Even brands that claim to be made from 100% real juice contain preservatives and enough sugar to decrease the nutritional value.
4. Artificial Sweeteners
artificial sweeteners
Whether you use them to cut sugar from your diet or to eliminate unwanted calories in order to lose weight, artificial sweeteners have been a staple for many individuals over the past several decades. Yet recent studies have shown that these one-time harmless low-calorie sweeteners can lead to a wide range of health problems. Products that contain aspartame, neotame, or saccharin have been linked to issues such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and metabolic issues. Many experts suggest that using real sugar in moderation is actually a healthy alternative to these non-sugar sweeteners.
5. Breakfast Cereals
The cereal aisle at your favorite grocery store is filled with a wide array of choices from sugary varieties to those filed with fiber. With such a large assortment to choose from, one would think that there would be plenty of healthy cereals in the mix. Unfortunately only a few featured on store shelves are actually considered to be good for you. By comparing the nutrition labels, you can quickly see that many so-called healthy breakfast cereals are loaded with fat and sugar.

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