Thursday 14 July 2016

5 Reasons you Should Say “No” to Energy Drinks

A lot of people have created the habit of grabbing an energy drink during the day because they are simply in need of something that will pick them up.

However, you may need more than one if you become addicted to caffeine, which is contained in these drinks in huge amounts. And consuming a lot of energy drinks can lead to serious problems. They mostly have a bad effect on your heart, but they can also have a negative effect on your behavior. Although they are unhealthy, energy drinks can be consumed irregularly and in small doses.

#1 – Sleep Problems:

It may be hard to believe, but even if you decide to consume just one energy drink at the beginning of the day, it may lead to difficulties regarding falling asleep at night. This is because of the high amount of caffeine and other stimulants that are used as ingredients for energy drinks. They can also cause a chronic lack of concentration in the long run, which will surely harm your work process, as you won’t have proper concentration and will not be able to rest well.

#2 – Health Problems:

The high caffeine levels in energy drinks are known to have quite an impact on serotonin and endorphin levels, which can lead to some problems in your behavior. You may experience restlessness, nervousness, irritability, and increased blood pressure. There are also other health problems that may happen if you are consuming energy drinks, such as seizures, chest pains, and dehydration. Caffeine-sensitive people are more likely to experience these problems.

#3 – Caffeine Addiction:
It can be risky to get addicted to caffeine. The more you consume it, the more you will have tolerance for it. And when you consume large amounts of caffeine it makes your adrenal glands secrete huge amounts of adrenaline. So, if you consume energy drinks often, it will be harder for you to get the energy boost you need. And if you choose to stop consuming them, you will experience headaches and a huge lack of concentration.

#4- Acids:

The acids contained in energy drinks (carbonic acid, citric acid, and phosphoric acid) are quite bad for your body. They are known to cause tooth rot and very bad-looking and yellow teeth. They can also cause stomach damage, bone fractures and also other physical damages.

#5 – Type 2 Diabetes:

The high concentration of sugar in energy drinks can lead to really bad problems, one of them being type 2 diabetes. The sugar can wear out the insulin-producing cells over time, which leads to this disorder. This may also lead to kidney failure, strokes, and heart disease.
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