Friday 19 August 2016

How to Avoid Bigger Health Problems in the Future


Every day, our body experiences little aches and niggles, and we tend to ignore many of them in an effort to fulfill daily responsibilities such as work and family.

However, the symptoms of many serious diseases start off as minor twinges, and sometimes it is important that we take a step back from our daily routine, analyze how long we have been suffering from an ailment and decide whether to consult a doctor or not.  Many people put off going to see a doctor because they consider it highly inconvenient. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to get checked out in order to avoid bigger problems in the future.

Here is a look at Top 5 Seriously health signs you should not ignore Anymore.

1- Sharp Pain in the Side:

If you have exerted your body after a long period of relative inactivity, there is a good chance that you will get muscle aches. However, if you have an intense pain in your right side, coupled with nausea and fever, you could have appendicitis. An ovarian cyst is also a possibility. In both cases, you will have to undergo immediate surgery. If the appendix is not removed, it could burst and infect other organs. A cyst could block the flow of blood to the ovary, and the doctor will have no option but to remove the entire organ.
2- Persistent Coughing:

Coughing is a natural process which clears the respiratory tract of foreign particles and normal secretions. Everyone is susceptible to coughs from time to time, especially when exposed to air pollution, pollen, etc. However, if you have been coughing for over two weeks, and you haven’t been influenced by common causes like smoking, it could be a symptom of a greater problem including bronchitis, pneumonia, and in rare cases, lung cancer.

3- Throbbing Tooth:

If you have a constant throbbing in your tooth and get a sharp twinge of pain every time you eat something hot or cold, it could be because your tooth is rotting or has cracked, and consequently, the nerve has become damaged. Unless it is patched up quickly, you might need to have the affected tooth extracted. The bacteria in the tooth could even get into your bloodstream and affect other parts of your body.

4-Always Feeling Full:

aren't people are built differently, and every person has a different appetite when it comes to food. Some people feel full after eating very little, while others require second or third helpings. However, if you are constantly feeling full, even after not having much to eat, it could be a major problem.  Feeling satiated, coupled with weight loss or gain, fever, nausea, etc. could be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or gastro-esophageal reflux disease. In extremely rare cases, it could even signal pancreatic cancer.

#5 -a severe headache:

If you are experiencing extreme headaches, it is probably a migraine. However, if it is not accompanied by other migraine-related symptoms, such as visual aura, extremely painful headaches could be a symptom of a brain aneurysm. These arterial clots are more common than one might think and don’t make themselves known until the situation becomes serious. Smokers and people with a family history of aneurysms are more likely to get one than others. A brain aneurysm is extremely dangerous and emergency surgery is required to repair the damaged blood vessel.
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