Monday 25 April 2016

Fitness: 10 warm up exercises for inspiration

Let's be honest: warm ups are like breakfast. You know you shouldn't skip them - in fact, they might be the most important part of your workout - but you might not exactly look forward to them. Your pre-exercise routine should always include mobility drills, a pulse raiser, and flexibility exercises. It's also a good idea to blast out some motivational tunes during your warm up to gear up mentally for your workout too.


Check out our top 10 warm up exercises for inspiration!

÷ Mobility Exercises:

Rotations and dynamic stretches prepare the joints for exercise. You'll improve range of movement and reduce the risk of strain or injury.

1- Neck rolls :

the first step to maintaining good posture throughout your workout. Slowly roll your neck clockwise for 30-60 seconds, then change direction. If you're prone to stiffness, repeat this exercise regularly.

2- Leg swings :

 side-to-side and front-to-back - are the easiest way to prepare hip joints for exercise. As adults, we lose flexibility in our hips. Lubricating these joints improves performance and is an essential strength training precaution. Perform 10 in each direction, ensuring that the hip initiates movement.

3-Trunk twists :

 facing forward with feet hip-width apart, twist the upper body to one side. Keep your hands on your hips to ensure the pelvis remains stationary throughout 10 rotations per side.

4- Pulse Raiser:

Jogging - jogging is an easy way to raise your heart rate without fatiguing. Use the cross trainer, which also engages your upper body, or if jogging on a treadmill, swing your arms with control.

5- Cycling :

 it takes a certain level of cycling endurance to warm up on an exercise bike - if you feel the burn in your legs before reaching your target heart rate, switch machines!

6- Swimming :

 If you're hitting the pool for your main cardio workout, begin with a slow front crawl to engage all the major muscle groups. Strokes like the butterfly and backstroke should come after you've thoroughly warmed up.

7- Rowing :

 This is one of the best pulse raisers to prepare for any kind of workout. The rower engages your full body, and it's easy to gradually increase your speed throughout the warm up.

Usually performed on a cardio machine, these exercises warm your muscles, protecting them from shock during the main workout. As your pulse climbs, oxygenated blood is sent throughout your body. Improved circulation and oxygenation helps all of your muscles perform better - including your heart.

÷Flexibility Exercises:

These exercises keep the muscles warm, preparing them for exercise by introducing movements that will be repeated throughout the main workout, reducing the risk of strain.

8-Squat stands:

with hands raised above your head, squat until thighs are parallel to the ground before returning to full height. Your goal is to further improve hip flexion, so don't worry about holding the squat.

9- Walking lunges :

 ideal for runners, these improve range of motion and blood flow to the legs.

10- Arm circles:

  simple but effective, small or large circles mobilise your shoulder joints and warm the surrounding muscles.
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