Saturday 12 March 2016

How to Get fitter, Stronger and Healthier as you Age

As people age their body loses its flexibility and tolerances to hardship. If once you could take a beating and survive unscathed, as you get older, you know that you need to start taking precautions and additional care so that you do not find yourself in the middle of nasty medical surprises and left-overs from the era of carelessness. This article contains 8 ways you can actually get stronger, fitter and healthier as you age.

1 – Exercise :

Walking, running, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, massage and every other kind of exercise that is moderated and tailor made for your specific body type is an absolute necessity to balance the loss and stiffening of muscle mass and to keep the heart pumping and in good rhythm. Do not overdo it though. The results will be the opposite.

2 – Omega 3 & Multivitamin Supplements :

A gram of a marine based food contains enough Omega 3 fatty acids to reduce the heart and brain disease risks. Vitamins B, D and E, antioxidants and calcium supplements help balance a less than optimal diet and avoid further heart and blood pressure problems. However, make sure you do not consume more than what your body requires.

3 – Diet:

Avoid chemical foods. You can still eat meat but make sure it’s grass fed and local. Make your diet more balanced with vegetables, fish, low fat, brown rice, nuts and quinoa. These will balance the metabolic changes that occur as you age, and are the main reason for the increase of weight.

4 – Blood Tests :

You should check your blood numbers as often as possible. Especially the glucose levels as diabetes is the most insidious of diseases and when you realize you have it, most of the times it’s too late. Regular pressure tests will also establish a regular baseline for comparisons.

5 – Deep Sleep :

Do not overlook the necessity of a deep sleep. During the first four hours the necessary growth hormones are released. Do not push past your natural fall asleep cycle. Whenever you feel you cannot keep your eyelids open, go to sleep unless there is a very important reason not to do so.

6 – Sex :

People think that sexual drive always declines with age. Wrong. Many people enjoy sex more in their fifties than in their thirties. It can be far more satisfactory and keeps up the psychology which is the major factor of everything. It needs, of course, some pushing – but that will not come from little blue pills. It will come from cutting down on alcohol and sugar.

7 – Smoking :
There is no need to point out any more how bad smoking is for the condition of even the healthiest of individuals. But smoking here is not limited to tobacco. It refers to any kind of smoking/substance abuse.

8 – Stress

This is perhaps the most difficult thing to do something about. But it is the one thing that can cancel all the benefits of all other ways to stay healthy, fit and strong. About 90% of all diseases is either created by, or complicated by stress. Learn how to breathe. It will do miracles on your stress level. Use herbs like chamomile and green tea. Anything to reduce your stress levels naturally including a change in diet and exercise should be adapted.
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