Thursday 10 March 2016

How to Build Muscle Mass in a Hurry

Curious about how 2 build muscle in a hurry?
There is a right way and a wrong way to work out.

So let's found out How to Build Muscle Mass in a Hurry:

1-  What are your top 3 favorite muscle building exercises?

The dead lift, the squat, and the pull up. All 3 are compound movements that make the posterior chain work hard, plus they promote hormone release.

2- Do you think a body part split, or full body workout is best for building muscle?

It really depends on the maturity level of the lifter. With newbies I always go total body because their bodies will grow and respond well to the hormone release and spinal loading. As you start developing size and also experience in the gym, switching things up to a body part split would be the way to go, to add more volume to your workouts and focus on a bodybuilding style template.

3- Do you have an opinion on rep ranges for optimal muscle building?

For most muscle groups, I’d recommend a rep range between 8 and 12. I’d focus on the lower end for most pushing exercises, and towards the high end for pulling exercises. In general each group of muscles tends to respond well from these parameters.

4} Do you recommend cardio while trying to build muscle? How many times per week?

Unless you’re looking to slow your rate of change, I don’t recommend cardio while bulking. There’s nothing anabolic about it.

5- What are the biggest mistakes you see most people make when trying to build muscle?

The first one that comes to mind would be not using full range of motion. I’ve seen too many gym goers slap 225 on the bench press, and then pump out a set of 10 quarter-range reps. I wish they’d understand that the weight doesn’t matter  exhausting the muscle through complete range does!

Second, not eating nearly enough food. If you’re a hard gainer, you have to eat like a pig to see results from your hard work. You have to eat as much as a guy the size you want to be would eat. Don’t be afraid to throw in a dirty meal or three, to get your calorie count up.

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