Tuesday 1 March 2016

How 2 Build Your Muscle Fast Without Spending Lots Of Money

How 2 Build Your Muscle Fast

Building muscle doesn’t have to be rocket science. All it takes is repeatedly doing a few things that are proven in the lab and gym to work.

Here are 4 detailed tips to help you build muscle fast. They don’t require you to spend lots of money on fancy fitness equipment or nutritional supplements either. Use them to hack your current diet and workout program and you’ll build muscle fast.

So let's begin.

1. Eat Enough Protein Every Day:

 Contrary to what advertisements for protein powders say, you don’t need to eat and drink hundreds of grams daily to build muscle. The truth is, eating this amount won’t help you build muscle faster. It can actually be stored as fat. All you really need is enough to meet your body’s daily needs and then a little more to stimulate muscle growth. This works out to about .8 grams per pound of body weight. So, if you weigh 150 lbs. you need to eat about 120 grams daily.Don’t stress too much over the exactly how many grams of protein are in everything you eat. Use the eyeball method instead. This is done by looking at the protein on your plate and picturing an amount that’s the size of the palm of your hand.

2. Do The ‘Big’ Lifts :

Forget exercises like curls, shoulder presses, and flyes and training individual body parts (chest, back, biceps, etc.) if building muscle is your goal. You must instead perform exercises that train several muscle groups at once. Scientific studies show that exercises that do this are better for building muscle than the aforementioned isolation movements.Exercises you should do lots of include: dips, deadlifts, farmer’s walks, kettlebell swings, military presses, and pull ups. These are the movements that will really stimulate your body to build muscle fast. Include one for every body part at each workout.

3. Lift Hard Often :

You don’t have to work out every day for hours at a time to build lots of muscle. What you need to do is train using the exercises I mentioned above often enough to stimulate muscle growth. Lifting weights 3 to 4 days a week is plenty. Give yourself a days rest after every 1-2 workouts. Your workouts only need to have 4-6 of these exercises. Choose an exercise for every major muscle group at each workout and you’re set. This includes your legs (squats, deadlifts, lunges), chest/shoulders/triceps (bench press, dips, military press, push ups), and back (bent over rows, pull ups).

4. Rest And Recover Between Your Workouts:

 Working out breaks down your muscles and eats into your ability to recover. You build muscle when aren’t exercising. Proper rest and recovery can speed the muscle building process. The best way is to get enough sleep. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night will enable you to train harder, longer and build muscle faster. If you can’t get this much sleep daily, take a 45 minute nap during the day to make up the difference.

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