Tuesday 22 March 2016

6 Amazing Tips To Beat Depression

To be depressed, is not necessarily a mental disorder. There is a form of “every day” depression, which can be a normal symptom, and a form which is called “clinical depression”, which is much more serious and requires getting professional help. The difference between those two forms is the duration and the severity of the negative feelings.

To a person with more serious problems, a happy event is not able to change the sad feelings or lift their spirit. Also, when depressed, the person often feels worse at the morning than at the evening, in contrary to a person who is just in a bad mood, who feels better after a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are things one can do in order to change their negative state of mind.

1 – Get to Know Yourself:

Try to study your feelings and your thoughts by writing them down into a journal and taking notice of what is happening, what makes you feel better and what makes you feel worse. That way, you can deal with what is bad for you or avoid the people or things that make you feel that way. Take the time to think about what you like about yourself, what you did good during the day and what you will make good tomorrow.

2 – Choose Your Words Wisely:

If you use words like “must”, “should”, “never”, “bad”, “I have to”, those words will make you feel stressed, anxious and put you down if you don’t succeed in living up to them. Replace those words with more positive and open-ended words like “maybe”, “I might”, “it is better to”, “I want to”.

3 – Talk to Others:

Don’t keep your feelings to yourself. As soon as somebody hurts you, tell the person who is responsible for that. To surround yourself with trustworthy, supportive and loving people is a huge help in fighting the negative feelings.

4-Know That It’s OK to Be Sad Sometimes:

Don’t judge yourself for feeling what you feel. Sometimes, being sad and even depressed is something we have to go through in order to process events and eventually to learn to appreciate the happy moments in our lives.

5 – Do What is Good For You:

Whenever some negative feeling seems to get over you, try to do whatever makes you feel better. Try a loved hobby or listening to music that uplifts you. Watch your favorite movies, take a walk or drive the car along a beautiful route. Also, even a mild exercise can help keeping those negative thought out of your head. Take the stairs and not the elevator or park your car further away so you get a chance to walk a little. Get out in the sun and seek out a little green surroundings, like a lake or a park. Try to have those activities in your daily or at least weekly routine. It can be difficult to overcome the urge to stay all day inside and isolated, so be patient and give yourself the necessary time.

6 – Set Small & Realistic Goals:

Take little steps and try to achieve simple goals each day. It is better to say that you will take a little walk around the block tomorrow, than to say every day that you will begin next week going to the gym.

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