Saturday 19 February 2022

What Is The Most Complete Workout For Building Huge Arms?

Building size in both your biceps and triceps will give you a fully developed upper arm. The biceps brachii muscles run down the front of each of your arms and are responsible for bending, or flexing, your elbows. Your triceps brachii are located at the back of your upper arms and they straighten or extend your elbow joints. To develop size in the biceps and triceps, your weight training workouts need to have enough volume. As your biceps and triceps heal and recover, they’ll also get bigger.

 Step 1

Perform your biceps and triceps workouts twice per week, spreading them out throughout the week so that your arm muscles get two to three days off in between.

Step 2

 Organize your workout into a superset structure, going back and forth between biceps and triceps exercises. Instead of doing all sets of a biceps exercise and then all sets of a triceps exercise, switch back and forth between them until you complete all sets of each exercise. Working out this way will allow you to get through your high-volume workout more quickly.

Step 3

Complete three to five sets, with eight to 20 reps in each set, for each exercise. In order for this workout volume to elicit muscular gains in your biceps and triceps, lift a weight that’s appropriately based on your strength levels. You should be able to do at least eight reps with correct technique, but no more than 20.

Step 4

Include standing biceps curls, incline curls and chin-ups to develop your biceps muscles and incorporate the lying triceps extension, the overhead triceps extension and bench dips to build your triceps.

Step 5

Perform standing biceps curls by holding a pair of dumbbells down by your sides with your palms facing ahead. Keep your elbows into your torso as you bend them to bring your dumbbells up to your shoulders, and then lower them back down.

Step 6

Complete incline bicep curls by holding a pair of dumbbells while you sit and recline on an incline bench with your arms hanging down by your sides and palms facing ahead. Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells to your shoulders and then lower them back down.

Step 7

Incorporate chin-ups into your workout to work your biceps. Reach up and grip an overhead bar with your hands set shoulder-width apart and your palms facing you. Pull your body up until your chin is over the bar and then lower your body back down.

Step 8

Work your triceps with the lying triceps extension. Hold a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a bench. Begin with your arms extended up towards the ceiling and your palms facing each other. Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells to either side of your face and then extend them to bring the weights back up.

 Step 9

To perform the overhead triceps extension, stand and hold a single dumbbell with both hands over your head with your arms fully extended. Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head and then straighten them to bring the weight back up.

 Step 10
Finish your workout with bench dips. Sit perpendicular to the length of the bench and place your hands on the bench on either side of your hips. Extend your legs with your heels set on the floor. Lift your hips up by supporting your body weight on your hands and then shift your hips forward so that they clear the bench. Bend your elbows to lower your hips to the floor. Once your elbows are bent to 90 degrees, extend them to lift your hips back up.

* Warnings:
Visit your doctor for a check-up before starting a new workout program.


Work out with a friend so they can motivate you and also act as a spotter during the triceps exercises that involve holding the weights over your head.

*Things You'll Need:

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Sunday 21 February 2021

How To Easily Maintain your Weight While Losing Fat.

Unsightly belly fat can ruin your look, especially if you're happy with the rest of your body. Clothes that otherwise fit you are tight around the waistline, creating belly bulge and muffin tops that are hard to hide. But belly fat, sometimes called visceral abdominal fat, can also be dangerous for your health, increasing your risk for diabetes and heart disease, according to the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide. The good news is that belly fat is highly responsive to exercise when performed at the right intensity. Adding resistance training will help you maintain your weight while losing fat.

Step 1:
Perform moderate to high-intensity cardio five to seven days per week, for 30 to 60 minutes per session. A 2008 study of middle-aged obese women, published in "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise," compared the effects of low-intensity and moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise on abdominal visceral fat. Participants exercised five days per week for 16 weeks. The moderate-to-high-intensity group, which alternated between walking and running, realized signifiant reductions in abdominal fat, while the low-intensity group saw no significant changes, even though both groups burned the same amount of calories per session.

Step 2:Intersperse short bursts of all-out intensity with longer bouts of moderate intensity. Interval training can lead to visceral abdominal fat loss over a shorter period of time. A 2011 review published in the "Journal of Obesity" found that high-intensity interval exercise had significant positive effects on reducing abdominal fat. Most of the studies reviewed used a stationary cycle with subjects exercising at moderate intensity for four minutes, then sprinting all-out for 30 seconds at a higher resistance. The bouts were typically repeated four to six times for a total of approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Step 3Engage in total-body resistance training on two to three non-consecutive days per week. Resistance exercise will help you maintain your weight while losing fat. In a 2012 study of young, overweight adults published in the "Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness," subjects who performed one weight training set of nine different exercises three times per week for six months increased their lean muscle mass and lowered their body fat percentage without losing weight.

Step 4
Eat a healthy diet. There is a saying that you can't out-train a bad diet, and it holds a lot of weight. Get rid of junk food, sugary drinks and snacks, and processed foods. Eat plenty of whole fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Stay hydrated by drinking plain fresh water


If you are a novice exerciser, begin slowly and gradually work your way up to higher intensity levels.
To learn to use weights safely and correctly, seek guidance from a fitness professional.


A convenient way to monitor your exercise intensity is to use a 10-point rating of perceived exertion, or RPE scale. The Cleveland Clinic explains that RPE ranks your level of effort on a zero-to-10 scale, with zero being no effort at all and 10 being extremely difficult. On this scale, moderate intensity would rate a three to four, while high intensity would be rated higher than five.

*Things You'll Need:
>>Supportive athletic shoes
>>Resistance training equipment.
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Monday 3 October 2016

Amazing Ways To Get Exercise Worked Into Your Day

We all have the same complaint. We would love to exercise if we just had more time. Resolve. now to put that excuse to rest. There are ways that even the most jam packed schedule can accommodate 30 minutes of exercise. Try one of these tips to get yourself moving more often.

Amazing Ways To Get Exercise Worked Into Your Day

1- Be the early bird:
Try an app such as the Sleep Cycle alarm. It monitors your sleep patterns and wakes you during your lightest sleep phase. That means you may be able to get up earlier without feeling too much pain. Get out of bed and use the extra minutes to get in some exercise. Even 20 minutes three times a week will yield physical and mental health benefits.

2-Take small steps:If you don’t have 20 or 30 minutes all at once, exercise in smaller chunks. Maybe you can get in 8 minutes in the morning, that’s great. There is actually a book called 8 Minutes in Morning: A Simple Way to Shed up to 2 pounds a week Guaranteed, by Jorge Cruise. Cruise offers good ideas for making the most of just a few minutes of exercise. Pair your morning workout with a ten minute stroll or some rope jumping after dinner.

3-Wear a pedometer:Counting steps is a good way to encourage yourself to move more all day. Pedometers are a very inexpensive way to keep track of how many steps you are taking and set goals to increase that number each week. Other options, such as the Fitbit track steps and a lot more. If you can’t fit one in your budget get the pedometer. The most important thing is not how fancy the gadget but how many steps you take. Your body and your blood pressure don’t care about anything else.

4-Bike or walk to work:Citing environmental and quality of life concerns, more people are moving closer to work. If you are one of them, take advantage of the proximity. Bike or walk a few days each week. Alternatively, you could drive to a train station and bike or walk from there.

5-Lose your seat:Stand up and move around at least once each hour. Use your desk for modified push-ups, do a few squats or leg lifts if you have the space and privacy or head for the stairs during your morning and afternoon breaks.

6-Housework counts
Exercise isn’t just about aerobics class. You can actually get a really good workout, sweeping, shoveling raking, scrubbing and mopping. Try a few calf raises or bicep curls as you work.

Exercise doesn’t happen only at the gym or on the track. Any activity that gets your heart rate up counts – that includes the romantic variety. Always be on the lookout for ways to move more. You’ll be counting up regular exercise, despite your overcrowded schedule, in no time.

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Thursday 29 September 2016

The Health and Fitness Stars on Instagram.

If you need a little push to get yourself to the gym, look no further.

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Instagram is loaded with fitnessaccounts but some aren't as good as others. ... From (healthy) food porn to impressive exercises, Instagram is a goldmine for any fitness .... Could Insects Be the New Superfood?

Their fitness account features healthy foods, inspiring ... borderline prophetic captions that just make you feelgood.
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Wednesday 28 September 2016

How To Grow Your Lazy Muscles That don't improve & Put Them to Work to Grow

If you have the impression that no matter how hard you try, there are muscles in your body that do not improve, put them to work to grow.

Okay, you're in a gym, or have completed Transformer Operation . You are not a beginner, but there are parts of your body that refuse to gain muscle.Although the weights you have skinny calves, or backpack slip off your shoulders or your chest is flatter than economic growth.

How To Grow Your Lazy Muscles That don't improve & Put Them to Work to Grow

How To Grow Your Lazy Muscles In short Time:
If you want that stubborn muscle grow, we must crush . Not injure, but give extra work. Instead of making the series of weights of all life, for example, three sets of 10 repetitions, we will use three types of exercises for the same muscle:

>>Strength exercise : 4 sets of 5 reps 2 minutes of rest between sets
>>Growth exercise : 4 sets of 10 repetitions and 1 minute rest
>>Congestion exercise : 4 sets of 15 repetitions and 30 seconds rest

The idea is that the day I have to work that muscle does not grow combine the three techniques. Imagine you are your shoulders.

Your shoulder workout would be:
How much weight? Enough for you to finish all the repetitions, and swear in Aramaic in the last two.

The other thing you have to do is work that stubborn muscle twice a week. For example, if you're going to train three days a week, and you want to give your shoulders hard, this would be a possible distribution.

*Monday : chest, shoulder and biceps
*Wednesday : leg and abdominal
*Friday : back, shoulder and triceps

The same should do if it's your twin, or chest, or legs. Combine three working modes in one session, and do two sessions per week. Eat your protein and your carbohydrate after training , and see the results.

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Tuesday 20 September 2016

Healthy Lifestyle: 10 Best Foods High in Vitamin D

Although we can find many foods in the supermarket that have been fortified with a synthetic form of Vitamin D, there are only a select number of foods containing vitamin D in them naturally.

Healthy Lifestyle: 10 Best Foods High in Vitamin D
Normally, our body takes in Vitamin D in the form of sun-synthesis through the skin. But in our modern times, where many of us spend countless hours inside houses, cars and shopping malls, our actual exposure to the sun is limited. This fact may be a principle cause of many ailments, including depression.

For this reason, it is extremely important to have a diet high in Vitamin D or take a vitamin D3 supplement.
This is my ‘List of Foods Containing Vitamin D’, as well as some of the great potential benefits of the vitamin. (In no particular order)

* Note:
Being a vegetarian I personally use Vitamin D3 serum from premier research labs or consume Shiitake mushrooms. I also make sure I get some sunlight everyday. However, because I have received so many requests from meat eaters on sources of Vitamin D in foods I decided to post the following food sources. I must say though that I do recommend a meatless diet for optimum health.


1-Mushrooms - Foods High in Vitamin D
Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in Vitamin D. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are adept at sucking up sunlight. Shiitake is also rich in B Vitamins like B1 & B2. Make sure that you find mushrooms that have been dried in the sun, not by some artificial means, in order to extract the benefits of high Vitamin D content.

2- Mackerel:
A small, 3½ ounce portion of this Omega-3 rich fish will give you 90% of the recommended daily amount. Currently, the FDA recommends that we eat more of these oily fishes to infuse our bodies with the vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that our body cannot produce on its own.

3-Sockeye Salmon:
Salmon - Foods High in Vitamin D
A small 3½ ounces portion of cooked salmon will give you 90% of the Dietary Reference Intake for Vitamin D. Make sure to purchase salmon that has been caught from the wild, if not, then sustainably farmed. Salmon eat zooplankton, an excellent source of the important vitamin.

4- Herring:

Fish like herring are so high in vitamin D because they are the part of our food chain that thrives on plankton, which is chock-full of the vitamin.

5-Sardines - Foods High in Vitamin DSardines:
Sardines are one of the best foods containing Vitamin D. One small tin can of sardines will provide you with approximately 70% of your daily needs. These tiny canned fish are also a great source of Vitamin B12, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, protein, and selenium.

Again, another fish that makes a habit of feeding on plankton, catfish are constantly taking in minuscule sea life that creates vitamin D from sunlight.
Tuna - Foods High in Vitamin D

7-Tuna fish:

Eat 3 ounces of tuna daily for 50% of your Vitamin D needs. Fresh, wild-caught tuna is the most nutritious. Remember, eating oily fish can also lubricate the body with “good fats,” providing a host of health benefits to your body, like better memory and brain function.

8- Cod Liver Oil:
If you can stomach the strong aroma, this oil is super-rich in sunlight Vitamin D. This marvelously golden, yet terrible-tasting oil, is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporating this oil into your diet will help you increase your bone's ability to stay strong and healthy. Because of its high Vitamin D content, cod liver oil has also been shown to prevent osteoporosis in adult, improve brain function and optimize the functioning of the nervous system. What is more, the oil holds 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. One tablespoon of the oil provides more than enough Vitamin D for the day.

Eggs - Foods High in Vitamin D

9- Eggs:
Eggs are another food containing vitamin D in small amounts. Eating one egg will provide you with approximately 10% of your daily needs. I would personally recommend eating free-range eggs from a local farm, if possible.

10- Sunshine:
Okay, we know it’s not a food, but daily “doses” of sunshine can seriously up your Vitamin D intake. In fact, this vitamin has actually been referred to as the sunshine vitamin. Light hitting the skin from the sun’s rays stimulates the production of this vitamin and hormone. This is great news for those of us that can take a sun-bath daily. But for those of us in colder, cloudier climates, we can up our intake from the foods we eat. This could explain why Native Inuit people in Alaska ate so much fish!

Stay tuned for HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITAMIN D in the Upcoming Article.
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Friday 16 September 2016

How to To add Significant Muscle Mass in four Weeks [Part 1]

To add significant muscle mass in four weeks takes effort in the gym and discipline in the kitchen. In addition to training your entire body heavily using compound movements such as the squat and barbell row, you must eat protein to build muscle. You must also eat carbohydrates to both recovers from and fuel your workouts, and healthy fats to support your hormones and ability to build muscle. Consult a health-care practitioner before beginning any exercise program.

Training Schedule and Exercises

Step 1
Train three times a week with a rest day between each training session. Squat first, then train your back using chin-ups and barbell rows. Bench pressing and overhead pressing will finish off your workout. Your entire body will be trained using three to five sets per exercise, but your repetition scheme varies from day to day. On day one, train using a weight that you have trouble completing eight repetitions per set in good form. On day two, use a weight that you have trouble completing five repetitions per set in good form. On day three use a weight that you have trouble completing 10 repetitions per set. Rest two days after this workout.

Step 2Squat by holding a barbell on your upper back and squatting as low as you can. Bend at the knees and hips, but do not allow your lower back to round. Push your head back to keep from leaning forward on the way up.

Step 3
Perform chin ups and pullups using whatever grip you are comfortable with. Use a full range of motion, touching your chest to the bar if possible. Never bounce out of the bottom of the exercise.

Step 4
Perform barbell rows using a different grip than you used for chin ups. Lean forward and hold the bar with your hands just wider than your chest. Pull the bar into your chest and lower it to full extension. Never use your lower back to move the weight, pull your elbows back, not your torso.
Step 5:
Perform the bench press while lying flat on the bench. Grip the bar with your hands wider than your shoulders and lower the bar to your chest. Press the bar to full extension without bouncing it off of your chest. Remain flat on the bench during the exercise.
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Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Build Muscle.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " lawrencemccudden"

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

 Like this post? PLZ Hit the share buttons below to share this article with your friends on Facebook, Google + and Twitter. PLZ Follow Us On Flipboard 4 More Fitness Motivation Fix. PLZ Use the comment box below to contribute more ideas & Suggestions . Best Regards. 
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Fitness: The Three Reason Why Your Abs Are Not Growing or Showing?

After 1000′s of crunches and seven brutally intense ab workouts per week, you’d think that it would all add up to that one coveted, magic number — 6.

It’s sad and discouraging when someone puts in a TON of effort to sculpt a rock-solid, well-defined set of six pack abs, yet the results are nowhere to be found. It can be unbelievably deflating. What’s an innocent, ab-happy person supposed to do?

The Three Reason Why Your Abs Are Not Growing or Showing?

One of the most redeeming things about fitness, in general, is that there’s typically a direct correlation between time, effort, and results. It’s a simple equation if you do cardio 45 minutes per day, 6 days per week, you will lose a lot of weight. Given that you do the right exercises, if you follow a comprehensive chest routine and increase the amount that you’re pressing over successive workouts, your chest will grow. It’s just the way exercise and training works.

I suppose that’s why you don’t see six packs endlessly populating the earth. And the truth is — it’s because most people approach ab training completely wrong and spend their time focusing on things that aren’t effective.

Getting a phenomenal set of abs requires smart training, a LEAN, clean diet, and minimal equipment…not ab workouts 7 days per week, ridiculous ab machines, or crunch, after crunch, after crunch.

1. You Can’t See Them:
This might seem brutally obvious, but at the core (no pun intended) the most important  and fundamental piece of ab development is being able to see them. Bombshell. I don’t care if you can do the ‘Plunging, Deep V, Lower Abs Workout‘ 18 times over. If your body fat % isn’t low enough no one will be able to see what you’re packing underneath. For men, body fat should be sub-10%; for women, it should be sub-18% for the ab muscles to really pop.

If you want to get your body fat down to 6-pack levels, make sure to incorporate a solid dose of high-intensity cardio and emphasize a healthy, LEAN diet.

2. You Try to Crunch Away the Fat:
Drill it into your cranium. There’s NO such thing as spot reduction.
You can’t crunch off the fat covering the lower section of your abs nothing about our physiology supports this misconception. The only way to strip the fat from your abs is by gradually burning it off from your entire body through cardio, diet, and weight-training. Unfortunately, the fat covering the abs is usually the last to go and the first to come back, which makes getting/keeping abs all the more difficult.
Stay persistent with a clean diet, resistance training, and cardio regimen and you’ll be able to maintain low body fat permanently. Abs require a lifestyle shift and a TON of discipline, not a quick fix.

3. You Workout Your Abs Every Day:
Give your core a rest. STOP training your abs every day, or even every other day.
Like the biceps, chest, shoulders, legs, etc., the ab muscles need time to rest, recover, and rebuild in order to grow. Would you do biceps curls, bench press, or squat 7x per week to build bulging biceps, a hulking chest, or massive thighs? Never. I recommend doing abs once every 3 days. That’s 2-3x per week. Not only will this allow your abs to actually recover and grow, but it’ll free up significant time to funnel into more intense, more transformative training (e.g. compound weight-lifting and cardio).

Most of your bandwidth in the gym should be spent divided across the major muscle groups (legs, chest, shoulders, back) and cardio; and then accessorized with targeted abs work. Don’t sacrifice that in pursuit of a six pack  not only do compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bent-over barbell rows, clean & presses, and dumbbell swings shred major calories/body fat and stimulate muscle growth, they also work the core as hard  if not harder than direct ab exercises.

Big lifts are the sledgehammer; isolated ab exercises are the scalpel. Leverage both and reap the rewards.
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